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Access for all

The Access for All document identifies the physical adaptations and management measures provided through all areas of Aqua Sana Forest Spa to facilitate access to all.

Every effort has been taken to make this guide as comprehensive and accurate as possible and it is reviewed and updated regularly. However, in line with our commitment to continuing improvement with respect to access for all, the level of provision may be subject to change. Also due to breakdown, maintenance or other unforeseen eventuality, measures may be temporarily unavailable at some time.

If you require clarification on any aspect of this document or any particular adaptation is of particular importance to the enjoyment of your stay with us, please contact the Guest Care Line on one of the numbers below to confirm details.

Calling from Republic of Ireland: 0818 818018

Calling from Northern Ireland: 03448 266202

Calling from United Kingdom: 03448 266205

Please read the Accessibility Statement for more information on our policy.

Aqua Sana Forest Spa

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